Changing the documentation theme
Follow these steps to change the layout and functionality of the Antora documentation theme.
How-to steps
Fork and clone this repository:
Fork and clone the plugin’s repository: to a folder named asciidoctor-intellij-plugin as a sibling to the first repository.
If the user chooses a different folder, they’ll need to adapt the folders in antora-playbook-author.yml.
Change content for the theme in files antora-playbook.yml and antora-playbook-author.yml or sub-folder _antora
Test the changes (recommended for every non-trivial change):
Install all dependencies defined by the
fileyarn install
Set environment variables to enable search index creation
Build the static documentation website
yarn author
Start a minimal webserver to browse the documentation
yarn serve
Open documentation preview on
Optional: To add the start page to the website, follow the steps in Changing content and layout of the start page, then run the following command:
jekyll build --source startpage --destination _site
Create a pull-request on GitHub
Once a maintainer approves the pull request your changes will be visible on the plugin’s homepage.