Working with Hugo

Hugo is a static site generator. The AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ recognizes Hugo projects and will adjust accordingly.

Images in the static resources can be referenced with an absolute target. Front matter on a content page will be hidden from the preview.

Support for static resources was added in plugin version 0.37.41.


A project needs to have the following features for the AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ to recognize it as a Hugo project:

  • A configuration file (hugo.toml, hugo.json, hugo.yaml, config.toml, config.json or config.yaml) or configuration folder (config).

    The hugo.* file names are supported from plugin version 0.44.3 onwards.

  • A folder content next to the configuration file or folder.

  • If a folder for static resources exists, it has to have the name static and needs to be next to the configuration file or folder.

Minimal example layout for a Hugo project
├─📄 config.toml
├─📂 static
│ └─📄 ...
└─📂 content
  └─📄 ...

While Hugo’s configuration file allows changing the name of the content and the static resource folders, this is not supported by the AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ, yet.

Using images in content files

Images in the content can be page resources or static resource files.

Static resources are located in the folder static.

Page resources exist in the folder with the name of the page, with the content itself being named index.adoc.

Example layout for a Hugo project
├─📄 config.toml
├─📂 static
│ └─📂 images
│   └─📄 image-in-static.png
└─📂 content
  ├─📂 post-1-with-page-resources
  │ ├─📄 index.adoc
  │ └─📄 image-for-post.png
  └─📄 post-2-without-page-resources.adoc

To reference an image in the post’s folder, use a relative target name for the image. To reference an image in the static resources, use a target name for the image starting with a slash (/).

Example post content/post-1-with-page-resources/index.adoc
= Page title

// show a page resource with a relative target

// show a global resource with an absolute target

Further reading

The following pages might be interesting for users running Hugo:

If a feature is missing, raise a question on GitHub.